Welcome to the Canterbury District Watch Limited Disc system

The Watch provides the following...

A radio scheme that enables members to contact each other, the local police, and the Canterbury City Council CCTV control centre, alerting others of an incident or crime, seeking support to deal with a problem, and passing on information and intelligence.

A system for sharing information, including photographs, about active criminals and suspects operating in the area.

Assistance in collecting evidence and processing the information leading to Exclusion Notices being issued against individuals, thus banning them from entering specified localities for a specified period.

Full technological support for the radios.

The services and day-to-day support of Service and support officers and Intelligence Manager, who are responsible for the smooth operation and continued development of the Watch scheme.

Canterbury District Watch has a Website and Intelligence Database. These are the main features:

  • Locally managed website containing up-to-date general information and alert messages.
  • Member access to restricted area of the website for crime and criminal intelligence via a password protected login facility. This will give entry to a database containing details (including photographs) of current active criminals and suspects, and incidents. There is also a message board and other related information and advice. 
  • Members can submit information on incidents and detained suspects, including photographs. This is then vetted and if acceptable it can be placed on the website for other members to see.
  • No software needed to gain access. All members need is internet access, an email address and a password. So that means that even if there is no internet access at their place of work an authorised person could access the database from their home pc.
  • The system allows the sharing of information with neighbouring watch schemes and thus to include details of travelling criminals on the website.
  • It also has a facility to send email and text message alerts to members as incidents unfold or intelligence comes in.

Members’ Registration

To obtain access to the members only pages you need to register. To do that, simple click on the members login tab and follow the instructions. The Watch staff will verify that you are a bona fide member and authorise your access. You will receive an email notification when that has been done. 

The Intelligence Manager, who has the means to monitor member usage and to withdraw authorisation, maintain Website security.

Enter your Email address:
Enter your Password:
Click on 'Log in':

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